Complete Unterminated String Literal JavaScript Error Solution
Learn some tricks about the JavaScript assignment with us. We will help you to solve any type of problem. Having trouble with the Unterminated String? We have the perfect Unterminated String Literal JavaScript Error Solution for you. This is a fix for this problem that will release you from any type of work or further stress, making your code work like a gem, whatever your purpose is.
This unterminated string literal error in JavaScript is more common than what you think, many people experience it when working with programming and tend to have really bad problems with it, coming to the point of feeling frustration and often, a lot of stress.
In order to avoid any of these, we have the perfect solution. What’s more, we will help you find a solution for your problem yourself. Yes, if you are experiencing the Unterminated string literal error, you’ve come to the right place, as we have the perfect solution for you!
How to Fix Unterminated String Constant JavaScript Error
When you are working with on JavaScript assignment or you are visiting a website and this error comes:
SyntaxError: unterminated string literal
It means that there may be some problems within the code of the website or your code. This mainly happens due to having more quotes than necessary, not having the proper string literal or just not working correctly on different lines, making the code work horribly or not at all.
This also happens when someone is using Liferay MVC, one of the simplest but sometimes more problematic coding platforms available. If you are facing any of these problems, you can simply fix it by using the following codes:
First thing, make sure there are not split strings across the code like this:
var longString = 'this string needs to pass across the code in order to make the app readable and possible to function';
This type of code would terminate in the famous:
// SyntaxError: unterminated string literal
What you can do to avoid this, is to add a “+” or a “\“ after every line in the string. This will help the string to come across the whole code and eventually avoid further problems.
var longString = 'this string needs to pass across the' + 'code in order to make the app' + 'readable and possible to function.';
Or, as said before, you can use the backslash “\” at the end of all lines in the string just as you can use the “+”. However, you will need to make sure that there are no other characters, codes or too much space between the line of text and the “\” or even more important, any type of code or character after the “\”. By using the backlash it would look like this:
var longString = 'this string needs to pass across the \ code in order to make the app \ readable and possible to function.';
On the other hand, you can the template literals, which are often used with ECMAScript and Liferay MVC to fix the unterminated string literal error.
var longString = `tris string needs to pass across the code in order to make the app readable and possible to function.`;
As you see, finding the unterminated string literal JavaScript error solution is not as hard as it seems. However, you will need to have at least a beginner level when it comes to coding if you want to fix this error perfectly.
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We are simply the best service out there, and what’s more, we are the cheapest when it comes to doing little things like fixing a little problem like the unterminated string constant JavaScript Error.
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